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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CRYOCURE?

The CRYOCURE is an anal device that uses cooling therapy for the treatment of hemorrhoids and thrombosis.

How does the CRYOCURE work?

The cold CRYOCURE stick causes the blood vessels to constrict so that the blood flow to the swollen tissue diminishes. As a result of this, the hemorrhoids will shrink and the anal oedema decreases.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with the CRYOCURE?

No. There are no known risks or side effects associated with the CRYOCURE as long as the instruction manual is followed. We have taken multiple factors such as frostbite and not using chemicals into consideration when designing the product. In conclusion, the CRYOCURE is a very safe and effective device to help with hemorrhoids.

How to use the CRYOCURE?

Please carefully follow the instructions laid out in the ‘How To Use’ section on our website.

How often can i use the CRYOCURE?

The CRYOCURE can be used multiple times per day, and we recommend using it frequently in case of severe symptoms. However, if you experience persistent symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor or proctologist. It should only be used for hemorrhoid treatment with a confirmed diagnosis.

Can you reuse the CRYOCURE?

Yes, the CRYOCURE can be reused multiple times. Although it has to be washed with soap and water after every use. Also a particular CRYOCURE stick is to be used by only one person.

Is the use of CRYOCURE painful?

No. The usage of CRYOCURE is not painful. Applying a small amount of Vaseline (White Petroleum Jelly) to the CRYOCURE and around the anus can make insertion easier. It is important to try to relax during insertion. Follow the instructions of use carefully for a painless experience.

Is CRYOCURE suitable for pregnant women?

Yes, CRYOCURE is safe and approved for use during pregnancy. CRYOCURE will work within 2 to 3 cms of your anus and does not use chemicals that can harm your delicately growing baby.

Does the CRYOCURE have an expiration date?

It is advised not to use the CRYOCURE longer than 9 months after its first use. Additionally, it should only be used by one person to prevent infections.

Where should I place the CRYOCURE? And In the freezer compartment or the normal compartment of my refrigerator?

The device should be placed in the blue container provided and then in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator to maintain hygiene conditions and quick cooling. A common mistake made by users is storing the CRYOCURE in the refrigerator compartment where the temperature is 4°C or in an ice box, which is not permitted. The CRYOCURE is designed to handle up to -36°C however the -20°C of your freezer compartment is safest and effective.

How long should I store the CRYOCURE in the fridge?

The CRYOCURE device should be placed in the Freezer compartment of the fridge for at least 2 hours before it is used/reused.

How long does the CRYOCURE stay cold?

The CRYOCURE is designed to stay cold for about 15 minutes after being removed from the freezer. It releases cold slowly and has minimal water/fluid absorption to prevent frostbite. It can be used immediately after each freeze.

What is a common mistake made by CRYOCURE users?

A common mistake made by users is storing the CRYOCURE in the refrigerator compartment where the temperature is 4°C or in an ice box, which is not permitted. The CRYOCURE is designed to handle up to -36°C however the -20°C of your freezer compartment is safest and effective.

Where can I get the CRYOCURE?

You can purchase the CRYOCURE directly from our website or your nearest available pharmacy (subject to availability).

Who can use CRYOCURE?

CRYOCURE is suitable for adults of all ages, including pregnant women and diabetic patients, as long as they have grade 1 or grade 2 piles.